From our 2018 conference ‘Leaderful Church?’, this set of powerpoint slides accompanies Tim Harle’s video presentation, also available via this website.
Leading Transformational Change (slides) – Megan Seneque
From our 2018 conference ‘Leaderful Church?’, this set of powerpoint slides accompanies Megan Seneque’s video presentation, also available via this website.
Leaderful Church: a storytelling approach (slides) – David Sims
From our 2018 conference ‘Leaderful Church?’, this set of powerpoint slides accompanies plenary speaker David Sims’ video presentation, also available via this website.
An overview of the SWF Changing Church Conference
A summary of the SWF Changing Church conference and the issues that arose, with links to the conference materials. The 2017 Susanna Wesley Foundation conference theme was Changing Church. Contributions touched upon many aspects of change experiences and management, opening up questions for future exploration. Here we give an overview of some of the themes […]
Theological Action Research – a quick guide
A one-page overview of key features of Theological Action Research methodology.
Annotated discussion of recommended readings on complexity theories and theology
In this resource document, Tim Harle provides an overview of the current literature on complexity theories and theology. Download or read online this paper here.
Annotated discussion of recommended readings on change management
In this resource document, Tim Harle provides an overview of current literature on the topic of change management, and an extensive bibliography.
Cockpit or Conductor? – embedding theological reflection in a Church agency
In this paper from the SWF Changing Church conference, Susy Brouard explores embedding theological reflection into CAFOD’s identity and practice using theological action research methodology.