Circuit B
In circuit B, a circuit of five churches, the circuit leadership took the view that it would be helpful to undertake a process of review in each of the churches in the circuit, but that this would be a coordinated series of church reviews and not a circuit review.
I was asked to work with each of the churches in the circuit at a time and pace of their own choosing. The method of engagement was the same as in the circuit A, with a meeting after worship looking at the local community, the church and a healthy churches review.
Again, a few weeks later I was to go back to the church to present a summary of the review outcomes. However, this would be followed up by an accompanied process of conversation facilitated by the local minister and supported by me in whatever way the church felt appropriate.
As in circuit A the reviews have all shown that the church sees the community though its own eyes but in one instance there was a recognition that the church congregation did not actually come from the community immediately around the church and in another instance the church building is located in such an isolated position that in reality there is no local community within walking distance.
In one Church, there was a real polarisation of views on some of the healthy church marks, with a significant body of opinion expressing the view that the church was weak in particular areas whilst others felt that it was strong.
Overall, the healthy church scores were similar to those in the circuit A, with the most spiritual marks being seen as weakest, unwillingness to change and an open and welcoming community.
In both cases where the church recognised issues around the location of its building the church was challenged to explore what it meant to be church in that place and how they might see themselves as a gathered church rather than as a community church. In one instance, this was taken up with some enthusiasm.
In the church where views were polarised the leadership have recognised the need for a model that is able to embrace diversity whilst modelling unity: to live with the fellowship of controversy!
In every instance I have been invited back to the church to help to facilitate a number of very different conversations around an understanding of mission, possibilities of Fresh Expressions of church and how to engage with children in a church that has a small number of children in worship but much larger numbers in uniformed organisations.
Careful groundwork by both the Superintendent and me has led to an atmosphere in which conversational approaches to review are much more acceptable than in circuit A. However, there is one Church that has refused to engage in this approach but is instead engaged in a more ‘conventional’ approach to review facilitated by another member of the circuit staff.
Because these reviews have clearly, from the outset, been church reviews rather than circuit review, there has been very little conversation about comparing one church with another. However, the circuit as a whole has not really engaged with any conversation about a need for change or a more missional focus. Perhaps that will come further down the road.