In this session from our 2021 annual conference ‘Embodied Faith‘ held in June, Chris Swift and Charity Hamilton engaged in conversation around embodied ministering drawing on academic insight and personal experience, a conversation of particular significance given their encounters during Charity’s long period of critical illness when, as she describes it: ‘Chris Swift was one of the hospital chaplains and part of a team of professionals whose bodies enabled the re-membering of my embodied self’.

The Revd Dr Chris Swift is Director of Chaplaincy and Spirituality at Methodist Homes (MHA) and an Anglican priest exploring emerging ideas about how the embodied practice of ministry has developed in recent months, drawing on qualitative interviews with chaplains and insights from the literature.

The Revd Charity Hamilton is a Methodist presbyter, feminist theologian and PhD student with a particular interest in theologies of female embodiment, ill bodies, eating and narrative medicine, reflecting on ministry from the perspective of both patient and minister.