“if a university chaplain organises an event but nobody turns up….was it a failure?’ This was the opening question of a session entitled ‘What’s it worth? Impact in HE chaplaincy’ and posed by Christopher Stephens and Sue Miller to university chaplains at their annual CHELG (Chaplains in Higher Education Liaison Group) conference. Questions, too, around […]
SWF Annual Conference – information
Welcome to the Susanna Wesley Foundation Annual Conference 2024! We are delighted to have you with us. Please find below links to pdfs containing useful information for the day, including the programme, campus map, plenary presentation descriptions, breakout workshop descriptions, and biographies of contributors. We would love to have your feedback! Please take a couple […]
Podcast 18: Beauty and Sorrow: the afterlife and a “good death”
Podcast 18: Beauty and Sorrow: the afterlife and a “good death” This conversation is part of a miniseries of three episodes that emerge from our recent report on death, dying and afterlife beliefs and practices which you can read here. In this second episode of the three, Emma Pavey is joined by the Revd Prof […]
Podcast 17: Into the earth and into the light: practices around death and bereavement
Into the earth and into the light: practices around death and bereavement This conversation is part of a miniseries of three episodes that emerge from our recent report on death, dying and afterlife beliefs and practices which you can read here. In this first episode of the three, Emma Pavey is joined by funeral director […]
Podcast 16: Naming the Grace: faith learning in church communities
Naming the Grace: faith learning in church communities In this conversation, part of our Crafting Hope series, Emma Pavey is joined by Clare Watkins and Simon Sutcliffe to talk about faith learning in church communities and its relation to formation, discipleship, power dynamics…and compost. This episode relates to a major project around faith learning in […]
Article: The pedagogical challenges of teaching theology and mission to students from non-traditional diaspora churches in Britain
A peer-reviewed, open-access article has been published based on research by a team of researchers from the University of Roehampton, funded by the Susanna Wesley Foundation. The article appears in Practical Theology and can be read here. Abstract This paper reports the findings of a research project into Ministerial Theology Programmes (MTPs) at three Higher […]
Book Review: The Death of Omnipotence and Birth of Amipotence
Here Emma Pavey reviews Thomas Jay Oord’s new book The Death of Omnipotence and the Birth of Amipotence (2023 SacraSage Press). Thomas Jay Oord is an ordained minister and theologian in the Wesleyan, Holiness, and Church of the Nazarene traditions and is from the USA [Edit: see here]. Writing about open and relational theology, his […]
Book review: This Sacred Life
This Sacred Life: Humanity’s Place in a Wounded World by Norman Wirzba (Cambridge University Press 2021). Review by Emma Pavey. ******** In his book This Sacred Life, Norman Wirzba seeks to address three questions: where are you, who are you and how should you live? He seeks to consider these alongside each other, a grounded […]